Healing: Other
The scope of healing frequencies is broad and diverse. For example, the Chutta module is regarded by its researchers as being able to cope with any kind of illness or situation. In practice, of course, it may not be so easy in every instance. Here are a few more use cases worth attention, besides the ones mentioned in the previous descriptions.
Body Rejuvenation
The energies can make you look younger by stretching out the skin, removing wrinkles, and restoring elasticity. What's more, it is not limited just to appearance — the inner organs and tissues are also rejuvenated by the energy work. Frequencies are able to bring back essential qualities of youth, health, and vitality.
Femininity and Masculinity
In a society of equal standing, the inherent nature of men and women still plays an important role. For a lady who is not fully satisfied with her attractiveness or feels a lack of qualities like plasticity, grace, or gentleness, there are feminine energy channels that allow for restoring these qualities. Similarly, a man's indecisiveness, inability to reach his goals, and overdependence on others can be addressed using masculine frequencies. Also, various qualities can be developed in both women and men.
Old Age
There is a group of energies specifically meant to facilitate harmonious aging. Apart from body rejuvenation, it includes slowing down the aging process at the DNA level, restoring memory, and enhancing mental clarity. It also improves mobility and vitality while helping to discover inner strength and connection to the Higher Self.
Space and Items
To create a harmonious atmosphere, a house, flat, office, car, or other property can be cleansed of disruptive energy patterns. This can be especially useful after arguments or negative events happening in that space. It is also possible to banish spirits as well as domestic pests (cockroaches, bugs, mice, moles, and others). Furthermore, energy frequencies can be applied to cleanse various items, such as clothes, furniture, jewelry, or gems. To perform these actions, a photograph of an object or property is needed.
Pets, Plants
Most energies are meant for humans, but there are special frequencies that can be applied for healing animals and even plants (to improve the harvest, for example). If your beloved pet is sick, please send me their photo, and I will do my best to restore their health and well-being.
Amulets and Talismans
Any frequency or combination of frequencies can be invoked to charge a crystal rock (crystal quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, fluorite, among others). The purpose may be protection, prosperity, support for healing — in fact, any kind of good intention can be used to empower an amulet or talisman. Then, you can wear it on a cord, carry it in your pocket or bag, or keep it in your room, as it radiates positivity (to maintain the strength, recharging is recommended after 2-3 months).
And more...
Aesthetic body enhancement, assistance in building muscle mass, balancing Yin and Yang aspects, lucid dreaming, advice from the Higher Power — the potential of cosmic energy frequencies is almost limitless. Please let me know what you really need, and we will find an optimal way to address your situation.